That tweet. That one tweet was the catalyst for my first foray into the world of Cons. Conventions, that is.
At the time, I was well into my second or third play through of Grand Theft Auto V. The opportunity to meet one of the actors was one that I was not going to let pass. Truth be told, I only bought tickets for that reason. Everything else was a bonus to me. I bought four-day passes for my husband and I, but we wound up going only half that time – both days Steven Ogg made an appearance. The 35-minute drive, followed by the 40-minute commuter train ride made no difference. I was determined to shake hands with the person who brought my favorite fictional psycho to life.
No one told me that cons were overwhelming. I had a map, scouted out the program but spent the first two hours wandering in awe before I got down to business. Serendipitously, I stumbled upon a line, inquired what it was for and was told it was for the Steven Ogg autograph session.
Hot Damn! Beginner’s luck for the win!
So I stood, and stood, and stood for two hours. I dished out verbal tongue-lashings to little gamer boys who tried to cut in front of me and had a chuckle when my husband asked, “How many other sistas are there?” (For the record, the answer was zero. I made a conscious effort to look. File that one away under #BlerdInCanadaProblems.)
Eventually he arrived – with his son in tow. And the autographs and fan chats commenced.

As a writer, I was excited to be in the presence of an actor who portrayed such an iconic character. It’s a dream to see your characters brought to life and Trevor Phillips was such an outrageously, larger-than-life character. To shake the hand of the man responsible for bringing him to life was definitely a major highlight of 2014. Now if only I can meet the rest of the cast...
…In due time.